Author: CESA Staff Published: 09/4/2024 Clean Energy Group / Clean Energy States Alliance
Clean Energy Group (CEG) and the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) are hosting multiple upcoming webinars in September and October. Read more and register below.
State CES Implementation and Analysis: How State Policy Design Affects Clean Energy Deployment and Emissions Reductions
Friday, September 6, 2-3pm ET
CESA is hosting an interactive meeting with researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) showcasing preliminary analysis demonstrating the impact of varying policy design choices on future state energy portfolios. The presentation will briefly discuss how state clean energy standards (CES) are incorporated into a long-term planning model for the US electricity sector and subsequently illustrate the effect of different policy levers on state-wide emissions, system costs, capacity additions and retirements, and other key metrics. Following this presentation, NREL will lead a moderated discussion to better inform analysis surrounding CES definition. Read a full event description here. This event is open exclusively to state and federal employees. To register, please email and fill out this short survey.
Batteries 101, Part 4: Municipal Considerations for Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts
Thursday, September 12, 12-1:30pm ET
In this final installment of CEG and CESA’s Batteries 101 series, panelists will discuss the municipal planning process for battery storage projects in Massachusetts. Experts will discuss zoning considerations, environmental justice and equity considerations for siting energy storage projects, and best practices for municipalities. We will hear recommendations from the Massachusetts Commission on Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permitting, and we will also hear from municipal officials who have direct experience engaging with these processes. This webinar series is open to the public, but questions from Massachusetts municipal officials and residents will be prioritized during the question and discussion portion of each event. Read more and register here.
Using Community Solar to Cut Energy Burdens in Manufactured Mobile Home Communities
Wednesday, September 18, 2-3pm ET
Manufactured homes (aka “mobile” homes) are an important form of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households. But they can often be energy-inefficient and difficult to weatherize, resulting in high energy bills and energy burdens. In this CESA webinar, speakers will discuss a report from Berkeley Lab’s that proposes combining community solar subscriptions with air-source heat pump installations and managing bill credits to reduce winter heating bills. Read more and register here.
An Introduction to Solar+Storage
Thursday, September 19, 1-2pm ET
Solar combined with energy storage can provide cost savings and keep essential services powered during grid outages. In this webinar, speakers from CEG will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the design, installation, and economics of solar+storage for homes, businesses, and community facilities. This webinar will cover many of the topics in CEG’s newly updated guide, Understanding Solar+Storage: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About Solar PV and Battery Storage, and companion resource, Solar+Storage Project Checklist, which serves as a quick and simple starting point for individuals and organizations who are considering solar+storage. Both publications are available in English and Spanish. Read more and register here.
Tribal-State Collaboration on Sustainability and Solar Development: A Case Study of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Monday, September 23, 1-2pm ET
When it comes to developing renewable energy projects, the complicated relationship between Tribes and state governments can pose a barrier. This CESA webinar will explore the Tribal-State relationship through the experiences of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, which began developing its Sustainability Program in 2014. They have been a leader in Minnesota and in the nation with developing solar on Tribal Lands to benefit low-income residents. Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe’s Environmental Director Brandy Toft and Sustainability Coordinator Eugene Strowbridge will provide an overview of their work and make recommendations for how other Tribes and States can work together collaboratively and effectively. Read more and register here.
Massachusetts’ Accelerating Clean Transportation (ACT) School Bus Program
Tuesday, September 24, 1-2pm ET
In this CESA webinar, guest speakers from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) will present their award-winning Accelerating Clean Transportation (ACT) School Bus Program. This program provides technical planning services and financial support to Massachusetts public school districts and/or transportation providers to complete successful electric school bus deployment projects. Underserved and overburdened school districts are prioritized, with the intent to provide fleets with hands-on technical assistance during an initial planning and pilot phase that will enable school districts to continue to electrify future portions of their fleet independently or with scaled-back financial and technical assistance. MassCEC received a 2024 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award for the ACT School Bus Program. Read more and register here.
Collaboration between Community-Based Organizations and State Energy Agencies: Findings and Lessons from the Solar with Justice Project
Community-based organizations (CBOs) play an essential role in helping low-to-moderate-income communities access the benefits of solar energy by bridging the gap between regulators, policymakers, and the needs of the community. In August, CESA and MIT released a series of reports based on the findings of a nationwide survey of CBOs. In this webinar, CESA Executive Director Warren Leon, MIT lead researcher Janelle Knox-Hayes, and other team members will discuss the project’s findings and lessons for how to structure effective collaboration going forward. Read more and register here.
Emerging Public Health Needs for Climate Smart Technology in Connecticut Affordable Housing
Tuesday, October 1, 1-2:30pm ET
How do power outages impact people who use home medical devices and live in affordable housing units across Connecticut? How can resilient power – solar paired with battery storage – support medically vulnerable affordable housing residents in the event of an outage? In this webinar, speakers from Yale University, Connecticut Green Bank, Operation Fuel, Clean Energy Group, and The Towers will discuss a new report describing the pressing need for climate smart technology in affordable housing in Connecticut, to ensure the safety and well-being of residents who rely on home medical devices. Read more and register here.
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