? Investing in America: One Year Anniversary for Inflation Reduction Act
One year out, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—a blueprint for the largest, U.S. energy transformation—is saving Americans more money on home energy bills, improving the health of our communities and our planet, and strengthening the economy and creating good-paying jobs. Take a look at these opportunities to save money and the environment:
The Inflation Reduction Act in Its First Year
Significant Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on the U.S. Energy Economy and Emissions Reductions
Federal Tax Credits for Solar Manufacturers
Geothermal Heat Pump Information for Consumers
Applications Open for States and Territories to Implement $8.5 Billion for Home Energy Rebates
How Your Home Energy Audit Qualifies for a $150 Tax Credit
Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credit Opportunities for Hydropower and Marine Energy
U.S. Wind Industry Federal Incentives, Funding, and Partnership Opportunities Fact Sheet
Funding Updates
DOE Readies Lab-Developed Innovations for Market with over $6.1 Million from Commercial Fund
Seven projects will share more than $6.1 million to reduce embodied carbon and operational energy from materials, buildings, and industrial processes. The supported projects are part of a Technology Commercialization Fund Lab Call from EERE’s Building Technologies Office, Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office, and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Offices.
Funding Available to Seed Water Power Research at Minority-Serving Institutions
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) and the Minority-Serving Institutions STEM Research and Development Consortium released a $1.2 million funding opportunity to support high-impact, water power research ideas from minority-serving colleges and universities. This program is part of WPTO’s “Seedlings for Universities” initiative to seed research and development activities in academic institutions that do not have significant existing water power research portfolios.
DOE Selects Energy Service Companies to Help Federal Agencies Achieve Efficiency and Decarbonization Goals
DOE unlocked billions of dollars in private capital to improve the efficiency of federal facilities, awarding energy saving performance contracts (ESPCs) to 20 energy service companies to provide energy savings performance contracts for federal agencies. Since 1998, more than 30 federal agencies have used ESPCs to help fund decarbonization projects across the United States