Please join our weekly partner call for updates on the COVID-19 response, including new resources for the private sector and the general public.
Date: Monday, October 19, 2020
Time: 3:00— 4:00 p.m. ET
CDC Speakers
- Dr. Cliff McDonald, Acting Chief Medical Officer for the CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response
- Dr. Greta Massetti, Lead, JCC Mitigations and Risk Working Group and Lead, CDC Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force
- Dr. Lisa C. Barrios, Lead, School Fieldwork Unit, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support Task Force
- LCDR Samantha Morgan, Deputy for Partnerships and Risk Management, CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response (Moderator)
Dr. Cliff McDonald, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Greta Massetti, Lead, JCC Mitigations and Risk Working Group and Lead, CDC Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force, and Dr. Lisa C. Barrios, Lead, School Fieldwork Unit, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support Task Force will present. LCDR Samantha Morgan, Deputy, Policy Unit Partnerships & Risk Management Team will moderate. Dr. McDonald will share updates on CDC’s COVID-19 response, including the latest scientific information and what everyone should know about protecting themselves and others. In addition, Dr. Massetti and Dr. Barrios will review CDC COVID-19 guidance for Institutions of Higher Education in the presentation Campus Guidebook – Slowing the Spread at US Colleges and Universities.
Please submit your questions by 10/14 so that we can group similar questions and answer as many as possible. Please email with “Partner Call 10/19” in the subject line.
Register in advance for this webinar:
The call will be recorded and posted with previous Partner Update webinars here.
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