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Author: NUL Staff      Published:  8/19/2023   National Urban League

T-minus 7 days! Meet us in Washington, D.C., on August 26 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. Sign up for our pre-march rally.


We are just one week away from the 2023 March on Washington.

A continuation of Dr. King’s work, this demonstration marks 60 years since his historic march in the nation’s capital. Across the country, we still face many of the same fights that we did in 1963—securing civil rights, police reform, voting rights, economic opportunities and so much more. We’ve made progress, but our work is far from over.

Thousands of people have already RSVP’d to this year’s march, and I hope that you will be next. Will you answer the call of justice and join us in one week in Washington?

The National Action Network has spent countless hours planning this event alongside Martin Luther King III, Arndrea Waters King and the Drum Major Institute. We’ve partnered with 60 national organizations representing everyone from Latino, Jewish, Asian and LGBTQ+ communities to labor and civic groups. NAN has carefully curated speakers, planned a safe march route and ensured that August 26th will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to the fight for equality and justice.

Moments like these are crucial to keeping our mission alive across generations and around the country. When so many of our hard-fought civil rights gains are under renewed threat, our march will demonstrate a unified front against the vitriol, rise in hate crimes, regressive laws and threats to democracy itself that are permeating society. As in years past, hundreds of thousands are expected to join us in DC, make an impact and influence history for years to come — I hope that you will be one of them.

Will I see you in one week at the March on Washington? Sign up to attend now. 

Thank you,

Reverend Al Sharpton