Author: NFD Staff Published: 5/31/2023 New Frontier Data
Just Released!
Our latest report, Cannabis Trends in 2023: Products, Consumers and the Impact of Prohibition on the Industry is out now and available for free! This report examines current trends across cannabis and how the history of cannabis prohibition continues to have a profound impact on every face of the cannabis industry. From product preferences to social equity programs and everything in between, prohibition has shaped the cannabis narrative. As the cannabis industry seeks to set the record straight, it must address the harms of prohibition head on while meeting the needs of modern cannabis consumers.
Key Findings:
- Because of prohibition, cannabis consumers may equate potency with quality and default to flower as their product of choice.
- Potency and effect continue to dominate product purchase decision-making in regulated markets.
- States are funding technical assistance and education for equity applicants and businesses as they move away from fee waivers and early access to licensing offered in earlier programs.
- Currently, most consumers use cannabis alone and stay home during and after the experience, but there is high interest in participating in cannabis activities outside the home.
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