February 27, 2018
hosted by NASDAQ at its DC offices in partnership with the Washington Teachers Union and Lincoln University.
Held on Tuesday, February 27, 2018, during Black History Month, the Summit attracted over 60 registrants and special guests. Our speakers included:
Dr. Michael Wooten, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges, Department of Education
Betty Ann Kane, Chair, DC Public Service Commission
Elizabeth Davis, Washington Teachers Union President
Jameel Johnson, Associate Vice President, NASDAQ
Maureen A. Lewis, Director, Minority Telecommunications Development, U.S.Dept. of Commerce
Dr. Charles Sutton, STEM Education Advisor to Lincoln University President & Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Gavin Logan, Fellow, National Urban League
The moderator for the Summit was Dr. Ivory Toldson, CEO of the QEM Network, Howard University Professor, Editor-in-chief of The Journal of Negro Education, and Former Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Click below to check out a video of the event on the STEM4US! YouTube Channel.
NASDAQ Exec Jameel Johnson Speaks about Investments Needed to Prepare Workers to Modernize our Nation’s Crumbling Bridges, Airports, Train Systems and Other Infrastructure
Bipartisan HBCU Caucus & STEAM Caucus
Day of Legislative Action
You are invited to participate in this unique day of legislative action. The activities bring together key industry executives, HBCU leaders and Members of Congress to advocate for greater resources and opportunity for HBCUs and their students.
Throughout the day, supporters of STEM/STEAM at HBCUs are encouraged to meet with Members of Congress and key staffers. See below for a list of events.
What: HBCU Caucus & STEAM Caucus Day of Legislative Action
When: March 20, 2018, 9am-6pm
lyft + HBCUs: The New Wave of Transportation Steam Day of Action Welcome Breakfast (9:00AM-10:00AM 188 Russell)
HBCUs + Industry Luncheon Powered by Intel (12:30-2:00PM Hart 902)
HBCU West: The Future of HBCU Engagement with Google (6:00PM-7:30PM 25 Massachusetts Ave 9TH Floor NW, Washington DC.)