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The Historic Preservation Office is now accepting Part I applications for the Historic Homeowner Grant Program. The submission deadline is July 1, 2019.

The grants are available to low- and moderate-income households living in specific historic districts. Grants may be up to a maximum of $25,000, except in the Anacostia Historic District where the maximum is $35,000.

Part I applications will be reviewed for eligibility and receive a Part II application to complete. Completed Part II applications will be reviewed by the grant committee in early spring. Grants awarded will be on track for restoration projects to begin construction in May 2020.

Three historic districts are now eligible for the first time; including: Emerald Street, Kingman Park, and Wardman Flats. The following historic districts are still eligible: Anacostia, Blagden Alley/Naylor Court, Capitol Hill, Fourteenth Street, LeDroit Park, Mount Pleasant, Mount Vernon Square, Mount Vernon Triangle, Shaw, Strivers’ Section, U Street, and Takoma Park.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis with preference given to major structural repairs and work that restores important and prominently visible architectural features. Click the “Gallery of Homes” link below to see examples of past grant projects. Such features include: windows, doors, roofs, porches, and ornaments, and historic materials like brick, wood and slate.

The grant application is a two-part process. In Part I, homeowners provide photographs of their house and a general description of the repairs and restorations they propose to make. In Part II, homeowners will receive a detailed scope of work from HPO with instructions to solicit price proposals from general contractors. Homeowners must also submit complete household financial information in Part II. A grant committee appointed by the Director of the Office of Planning and the Chair of the Historic Preservation Review Board will select grant recipients.

The grants were created by the Targeted Historic Preservation Assistance Amendment Act of 2006.

Questions regarding the program should be directed to Brendan Meyer at (202) 741-5248 or brendan.meyer@dc.gov.

rom: Kyle Yost <kyleyost@gmail.com>
To: solardc <solardc@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, May 10, 2019 1:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Solar United Neighbors of D.C.] Residential Solar PV Install in Historic neighborhoods

We’ve done close to 100 installations in historic districts in the past 12 months, and my experience is that HPRB has been entirely consistent in their permit reviews.  If the system (including conduit, inverters, disconnects) is not street visible then it will be approved.  If it can be seen, you will not be.  Quite binary.  There are plenty of street visible installations in historic districts throughout the city if you know what to look for and find the right line of sight, but arguing that a neighbors installation is visible and therefore yours should be as well will get you nowhere.

CFA and OGB are different beasts altogether.  But HPRB is fully supportive of solar in the district, so long as it remains out of sight.
And, in my opinion, HPRB is doing a great job.  There is a lot of solar up there in historic districts, but you would not know it from street level.
The attached photo is of a DC street block in historic district.  Solar abounds, but you wouldn’t know it from walking the sidewalks.

Cultural Plan Highlights:

The DC Cultural Plan promotes an equitable, world-class cultural environment in the District that advances cultural diversity by increasing access to cultural creation and experience for all residents.

  • The District’s Cultural Economy supports $30 billion in annual spending, generates $1.1 billion in tax revenue, and employs 150,000 workers.
  • The District embraces its rich and unique cultural historyby affirming the importance its heritage and resident’s culture.
  • The Cultural Plan supports cultural creators through increased access to aligned educational and technical assistance resources, increased access to affordable housing, and increased access to affordable production space.
  • The Cultural Plan will help expand and preserve cultural spaces as platforms for expression by making them more accessible.
  • The Cultural Plan will advance cultural diversity by increasing access to, and awareness of cultural opportunities amongcultural consumers who include all District residents as well as the city’s visitors.
  • The Plan’s recommendations for creators, spaces, and consumers converge and align to increase equity, diversity, and innovation in the District.

Click here for the DC Cultural Plan