Join us for the Inaugural American Association of Blacks in Energy (Association) Hill Day Fly-In, February 26, 2019, in Washington, DC.
Since the Association’s founding, we have taken the lead in informing and educating policy makers on energy issues, including impacts on diverse communities. As members, and as industry participants in companies throughout the country, the Inaugural Fly-In will provide you an opportunity to meet with your Representatives, Senators, and Congressional staff.
We will begin the day hearing from experts about the Association’s policy priorities and receiving training to ensure your Hill meetings are successful. We will then move to Capitol Hill to meet legislators representing your states and districts— as their constituents, and an essential part of energy’s future. Please see the Hill Day FAQ link below.
There are a number of issues important to our communities and additional investments in the industry. Join us as we discuss energy’s role in the national economy and our communities at home.
AABE Hill Day Fly-In & Energy Policy Summit February 26, 2019
Join us for the Inaugural American Association of Blacks in Energy (Association) Hill Day Fly-In, February 26, 2018, in Washington, DC.
Since the Association’s founding we have taken the lead in informing and educating policy makers on energy issues, including impacts on diverse communities. As members, and as industry participants in companies throughout the country, the Inaugural Fly-In will provide you an opportunity to meet with your Representatives, Senators, and Congressional staff.
We will begin the day hearing from experts about the Association’s policy priorities, and receiving training to ensure your Hill meetings are successful. We will then move to Capitol Hill to meet legislators representing your states and districts— as their constituents, and an essential part of energy’s future.
There are a number of issues important to our communities and additional investments in the industry. Join us as we discuss energy’s role in the national economy and our communities at home.
Register Today at http://www.aabe.org/energypolicysummit.
Felicia Kelly