(Banner Space)

Author: Ronald Bethea Published: 2/25/2019

Topic of Discussion:

!. If goal of the green bank is to accelerate energy efficiency improvements and the deployment of clean energy technology by leveraging private investment, removing upfront costs, and increasing the efficiency of public dollars. Then when will the residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) be implemented forDC low and moderate home owners in DC that meet the 80% AMI and qualify for the Solar For All, but do not have the money to come out of pocket to repair their roofs?

2. Looking at the Green Bank Report  prepared by the  Coalition for Green Capital which indicated that the District need to  be capitalized with 105 million dollars The study identified $1.8 billion dollars of investment necessary to achieve the goals of the District’s Clean Energy DC Plan, but on October 9. 2018 former chair of the Public Service Commission Betty Ann Kane testimony indicate that The Sustainable Energy Trust Fund was going to collect 256.6 million a 151.6 million that the needed. So my question  to you is out of the 13 million DCSEU has received  from DOEE for the Solar For All Program how much money is budget for roof repair and electrical work for low and moderate income residents in wards 8,7,6, and 5?

3.What’s happening now? Has anyone indicated how much money that has been budgeted for community engagement with black owned media in DC?

Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), Mayor Bowser’s office, and DC Council are working to:

  • Appoint the seven voting members of the Green Bank’s governing Board for the Council to confirm — by April 2019.
  • Continue reaching out to financial and clean energy experts and community leaders to inform the Green Bank’s design and portfolio of projects — throughout 2019.
  • Hire an Executive Director and other key staff — by Summer 2019.
  • Establish accountability structures, performance targets, financing tools, and clean energy programs for the Board to approve — by Fall 2019.
  1. If the composition of the Green Bank’s governing Board, and the portfolio of financing tools and programs the Green Bank ultimately offers, will determine whether it truly becomes a facilitator of clean energy for all. How do you fill about 35 cents out of each dollar collected from district electric and gas rate prayers must be deposited in a African American Owned Bank and in operation in the District of Columbia and that bank would serve as the residential PACE bank of Washington DC?


  1. What  type of workforce development programs had DCSEU developed?


  1. How much funding has DOEE provided DCSEU for workforce development training?


  1. What role will DCSEU play in training with the new Technical High School located in Southeast Washington DC.


  1. Please explain the points systems that DCSEU has developed that seems to favor solar development company not based in DC according some of the local companies?