Author: US DOJ Staff: Published: 01/15/2025 Justice Programs News & Funding
January 15, 2025 – Vol. 31, Issue 2
Twice monthly highlights from the Office of Justice Programs
This week marks my final week at the Office of Justice Programs. As I offer my final contribution to Justice Programs News and Funding, I’m reflecting on the transformative work we’ve accomplished together. The privilege of leading OJP has reaffirmed for me the remarkable things that can happen when we truly partner with communities to advance safety and justice.
What stands out most is how we’ve reshaped our approach to public safety. By embracing community violence intervention, expanding access to behavioral health services and creating meaningful opportunities for people returning home from incarceration, we’ve demonstrated the value of a comprehensive strategy to reducing crime and violence and increasing opportunity, and we’ve shown that the most effective solutions come from working hand-in-hand with communities. I’m especially proud of our renewed commitment to young people, our focused outreach to historically marginalized victims and our emphasis on evidence-based approaches that help jurisdictions make informed decisions about safety and justice.
Brent J. Cohen
Acting Assistant Attorney General
- New Funding Opportunities:
- Building Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth Success | OJJDP
Deadline 2/24/2025 and JustGrants 3/10/2025 - Maintenance and Operation of the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public
Website | SMART
Deadline 2/24/2025 and JustGrants 3/10/2025 - Multistate Mentoring Programs Initiative | OJJDP
Deadline 2/24/2025 and JustGrants 3/10/2025 - Juvenile Justice System Reform and Reinvestment Initiative | OJJDP
Deadline 3/3/2025 and JustGrants 3/17/2025 - National Mentoring Resource Center | OJJDP
Deadline 3/3/2025 and JustGrants 3/17/2025 - Support for Adam Walsh Act (AWA) Implementation Grant Program | SMART
Deadline 3/3/2025 and JustGrants 3/17/2025 - DOJ Jails and Justice Support Center | BJA
Deadline 3/4/2025 and JustGrants 3/11/2025 - Research and Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence for Criminal Justice Purposes | NIJ
Deadline 3/4/2025 and JustGrants 6/26/2025 - Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Incubator Initiative | BJA
Deadline 3/4/2025 and JustGrants 3/11/2025
- Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration Program | BJA
Deadline 3/4/2025 and JustGrants 3/11/2025 - Staff-Led Restrictive Housing Reform Program | BJA
Deadline 3/4/2025 and JustGrants 3/11/2025 - National Mentoring Programs | OJJDP
Deadline 3/5/2025 and JustGrants 3/19/2025 - Advancing Data in Corrections Initiative | BJA
Deadline 3/12/2025 and JustGrants 3/19/2025 - Byrne State Crisis Intervention Training and Technical Assistance Program | BJA
Deadline 3/12/2025 and JustGrants 3/19/2025 - Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program | BJA
Deadline 3/12/2025 and JustGrants 3/19/2025 - Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative | BJA
Deadline 3/12/2025 and JustGrants 3/19/2025 - Research and Evaluation of Policing Practices | NIJ
Deadline 3/20/2025 and JustGrants 4/3/2025 - Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics | NIJ
Deadline 3/20/2025 and JustGrants 4/3/2025 - Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults | NIJ
Deadline 3/24/2025 and JustGrants 4/7/2025 - Social Science Research and Evaluation on Forensic Science Systems | NIJ
Deadline 3/24/2025 and JustGrants 4/7/2025 - Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research and Evaluation | NIJ
Deadline 3/27/2025 and JustGrants 4/10/2025 - Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes | NIJ
Deadline 3/27/2025 and JustGrants 4/10/2025 - Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime: Nexus with Firearms and Violence | NIJ
Deadline 3/31/2025 and JustGrants 4/14/2025 - Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories | NIJ
Deadline 4/1/2025 and JustGrants 4/15/2025 - Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program | BJA
Deadline 4/3/2025 and JustGrants 4/10/2025 - Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program | BJA
Deadline 4/3/2025 and JustGrants 4/10/2025
- Adult Treatment Court Program | BJA
Deadline 4/7/2025 and JustGrants 4/14/2025 - Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention
Initiative Site-Based | BJA
Deadline 4/8/2025 and JustGrants 4/15/2025 - Graduate Research Fellowship | NIJ
Deadline 4/15/2025 and JustGrants 4/22/2025 - Research and Evaluation on Corrections | NIJ
Deadline 4/15/2025 and JustGrants 4/29/2025 - Field Initiated: Encouraging Innovation | NIJ
Deadline 4/10/2025 and JustGrants 4/17/2025
- Building Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth Success | OJJDP
- January Weekly Training Webinars are available:
- Where To Find DOJ Funding Opportunities
As Department of Justice (DOJ) funding opportunities become available, you’ll find them posted on each agency’s website:
- Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) Grants
- Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Current Funding Opportunities
- Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Open Notices of Funding Opportunities
You can also find open federal funding opportunities on and sign up to receive notifications when new funding is available. DOJ generally announces funding opportunities 45-60 days before the submission deadline. (TIP: Click “All Department of Justice” in the “Agency” box to find all DOJ opportunities.)
To learn more about where to find DOJ funding opportunities and how to apply, visit the JustGrants Resources Application Submission Training page.
You must have active registrations in and before you can apply for DOJ funding. If you’ve used these systems in the past, you still need to ensure your registration and users are current.
- Subscribe to Funding News for weekly funding announcements and tips | OJP
- Developing Effective and Responsive Approaches to Elder Abuse in Tribal Communities | OVC
1/17/2025 | 12 p.m. ET - Research and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics | NIJ
1/21/2025 | 2 p.m. ET - Enhancing Youth Defense | OJJDP
1/23/2025 | 2 p.m. ET - Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research
and Evaluation | NIJ
1/23/2025 | 1:30 p.m. ET - Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults | NIJ
1/27/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Culture As Prevention: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System | DOJ
1/28/2025 | 2 p.m. ET - Research and Evaluation of Policing Practices | NIJ
1/29/2025 | 3 p.m. ET - National Mentoring Summit | OJJDP
1/29/2025 | Washington, DC - Twenty Years Later: National Study of Victim Compensation Program Trends, Challenges,
and Successes | NIJ
1/30/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes | NIJ
2/3/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Research and Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence for Criminal Justice Purposes | NIJ
2/4/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Social Science Research and Evaluation on Forensic Science Systems | NIJ
2/5/2025 | 3 p.m. ET - Building Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth Success | OJJDP
2/6/2025 | 2 p.m. ET - Multistate Mentoring Programs Initiative | OJJDP
2/7/2025 | 2 p.m. ET - Graduate Research Fellowship | NIJ
2/13/2025 | 11:30 a.m. ET - Strengthening Tribal and Non-Tribal Collaboration To Address Elder Abuse in Tribal
Communities | OVC
2/14/2025 | 12 p.m. ET - Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program | BJA
2/20/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Adult Treatment Court Program | BJA
2/27/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program | BJA
2/27/2025 | 1 p.m. ET - Developing Effective and Responsive Approaches to Elder Abuse in Tribal Communities | OVC
1/17/2025 | 12 p.m. ET
- Elder Justice Initiative webinar recording now available: Recognizing and Addressing Elder Abuse in Native Communities | OVC
- Expert Q&A webinar recording now available: Best Practices for Providing Victim Services to American Indians and Alaska Natives | OVC
- See Justice Events for additional upcoming resources | OJP
- A Message from Michael: Prosecuting a Religious Leader for Sexually Abusing a Child | OJJDP
- A Synthesis of the 2021 NIJ Forecasting Challenge Winning Reports | NIJ
- Blog: Administrator Ryan Highlights Impact of Youth and Family Partnership During
Her Tenure | OJJDP - Fact Sheet: Violent Crime Cases in Juvenile Court, 2021 | OJJDP
- Insights Into Mail Fraud Come From Scammers’ Own Records | NIJ
- Juveniles Charged in Adult Criminal Courts, 2014 | BJS
- Listen to: From the Director’s Desk January briefing | OVC
- OJJDP Observes AMBER Alert Awareness Day | OJJDP
- Video: Keeping Hope Alive: The AMBER Alert Program | OJJDP
- OJJDP Observes National Mentoring Month | OJJDP
- Supporting Crisis Stabilization for Youth and Young Adults during Reentry | BJA
- Time Served in State Prison, 2018 — Supplemental Tables | BJS
- What About Me? Finding Your Path Forward When Your Brother or Sister is Missing
(Second Edition) | OJJDP - Additional publications | OJP
- Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist | OCOM
Open: 1/11/2025 to 1/21/2025 - Grants Management Specialist | OJJDP
Open: 1/14/2025 to 1/23/2025 - OJP is hiring: Learn about other open positions | OJP
Justice in Action: Honoring Dr. King’s Vision
Civic engagement was a cornerstone of Dr. King’s message. His rich legacy has taught us that change is powered by collective action and his words remind us that justice depends on our willingness to act, to question inequities and to champion fairness for all. An example of Dr. King’s vision in action is OJP’s significant investments in reentry programming supported by the Second Chance Act, which has contributed to historic drops in the recidivism rates at the state-level. This programming has provided adults and youth with alternatives to incarceration and also provided critical resources that enhance public safety and build safer communities.
OJP Second Chance Act initiatives are expanding education and employment opportunities for returning individuals and are supporting treatment and recovery services for people in crisis. For example, the Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Program and the Second Chance Act Youth Reentry Program supports community-based organizations and tribal governments in providing comprehensive reentry services to adults and youth who have been incarcerated or involved with the justice system.
The Second Chance Act Improving Reentry Education and Employment Outcomes provides funding and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations and state, local and tribal governments to expand education and employment programs that serve individuals during incarceration and throughout their period of reentry into the community.
In addition, the Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Incubator Initiative aims to build capacity in community-based organizations to provide sustainable and transitional services for people returning home after incarceration. The focus is on community and family reintegration, building strength-based assets and reducing recidivism.
These interventions have helped nearly 400,000 people receive behavioral health interventions, helped to reduce recidivism and addressed the underlying causes of criminal behavior, providing the power of opportunity and support in creating pathways to success― values that align with Dr. King’s enduring vision.
As we celebrate Dr. King’s legacy, let us renew our commitment to fairness, equality and justice for all. Learn more about OJP-funded programs and resources on Reentry and the Second Chance Act.
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In January 2015, OJJDP partnered with MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership to launch the National Mentoring Resource Center. Since its founding, the National Mentoring Resource Center has served as the nation’s premier source of training, technical assistance, tools, research summaries and more information for youth mentoring programs. |
The resource center was announced at the 2015 National Mentoring Summit – co-hosted by OJJDP and MENTOR. The summit featured more than 60 workshops for the approximately 900 mentoring professionals and youth advocates who attended from around the country.