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Plug-in Vehicle Offering

Open to qualified residential Maryland customers

This offering is entirely voluntary and is open to all qualified Pepco residential customers in Maryland with a plug-in vehicle. To participate, your vehicle must be registered in Maryland.

If so, you may select the following option:

  • A whole house time-of-use rate (Pepco SOS customers only): This plan applies to your entire house, including your vehicle. If you choose to shift your home energy use to off-peak hours (after 8 p.m.), you may achieve additional savings.

Program Benefits

We created the Demand Management Pilot Program for Plug-In Vehicle Charging to encourage customers in Maryland who own plug-in vehicles to take advantage of off-peak charging. Now that the Pilot Program has concluded, Pepco has requested that the R-PIV tariff offering be continued going forward. By shifting some of the demand for electricity from peak to off-peak hours, customers may:

  • Save money – The cost of electricity is lower during off-peak hours, and there are 16 off-peak hours per day (Monday–Friday), plus all day Saturday and Sunday

  • Lighten the load – Charging during off-peak hours puts less strain on the electric grid and helps improve the reliability of your service

  • Breathe easier – Reduce emissions generated by mobile sources

  • Make a difference – Choose to charge your vehicle using renewable energy for an even greater impact

To apply please click here.
For additional questions contact us at plugin@pepco.com​

Frequently Asked Questions – Plug-in Vehicle Offering

What is Pepco offering?

​An R-PIV Rate (offered only to ​Pepco SOS customers) applies to the electricity used for the entire house, including the vehicle. Therefore, it is important to change behavior and use more energy during off peak times (Monday – Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m and all hours on weekends)​ in an effort to decrease energy costs.