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Author: SUN Staff         Published: 11/21/2022      Solar United Neighbors

Make a difference in D.C.’s solar rights.

What is happening

We are concerned that the monopoly utility Pepco is taking money from low-income D.C. families and solar owners.

A new investigation from the D.C. Attorney General found that Pepco overcharged 6,800 low-income families who take part in community solar.

Community solar lets people benefit from solar if they’re unable to install solar where they live. Community solar participants can buy or lease a share of a solar array. They earn a credit on their utility bill based on how much electricity their share generates.

Further, the report found Pepco inappropriately installed its own electrical meters at community solar sites. This enabled the utility to pay participants less than they should earn.

These actions harm all District residents. They undermine public confidence in community solar. Community solar is a key part of the District’s Solar for All program and our goal of helping 100,000 low-income families save money with solar energy.

District solar supporters are calling on the D.C. government to act.

The Public Service Commission should open a formal proceeding into Pepco’s misdeeds.

Use the form on this page to contact your D.C. Councilmembers and the Public Service Commission.

If you have personal experience with Pepco’s undercharging, interconnection delays, billing, solar metering or other problems good or bad with solar in D.C. please highlight that clearly in your message.