Author: DC DOEE Staff Published: 5/20/2022 DC DOEE
As a part of holding ourselves, our partner agencies, and our city accountable to the goals we have set, Sustainable DC conducts annual progress reports on all of the goals and actions of the plan. View photo credit information for the Sustainable DC progress reports.
The Sustainable DC 2022 Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC 2.0. A detailed chart of each action’s progress can be found here.
The Sustainable DC 2021 Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC 2.0. A detailed chart of each action’s progress can be found here.
The Climate Ready DC 2021 Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Climate Ready DC.
The Sustainable DC 2020 Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC 2.0. A detailed chart of each action’s progress can be found here.
The Sustainable DC 2020 Progress Summary features one achievement for each topic in Sustainable DC 2.0.
The Clean Energy DC 2020 Progress Report provides updates on each section of Clean Energy DC, while the Clean Energy DC Summary features one achievement for each topic in Clean Energy DC. A detailed chart of each action’s progress can be found here.
The Climate Ready DC 2020 Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Climate Ready DC.
The Sustainable DC 2018 year Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC Progress Report 2018. This report is more condensed due to the development of Sustainable DC 2.0 occurring at the same time. The traditional chart showing the level of progress of each action is also available: Sustainable DC Progress Report Chart 2018.
The Detailed Fifth Year Progress Report provides detailed explanation of the progress on all 143 actions in Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC DETAILED 2018 Progress Report.
The Sustainable DC 2017 Year Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC Progress Report April 2017.
The Detailed Fourth Year Progress Report provides a detailed explanation of the progress on all 143 actions in the Sustainable DC Plan: Sustainable DC DETAILED 2017 Progress Report.
The Fourth Year Summary Card provides opportunities for how to get involved in making the District more sustainable: Sustainable DC 2017 Summary Card.
During Earth Week 2017, almost 200 District residents met to hear about progress on Sustainable DC and to launch the District’s update to the plan, Sustainable DC 2.0. A panel of technical experts spoke and the community provided their own expert advice on how the Sustainable DC Plan should be updated.
The Sustainable DC 2016 Year Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC Progress Report April 2016.
The Detailed Third Year Progress Report provides detailed explanation of the progress on all 143 actions in Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC DETAILED 2016 Progress Report.
The Third Year Progress Summary provides a graphic summary of progress and a checklist of 10 actions to be more sustainable: Sustainable DC 2016 Progress Report Summary & Tips.
During Earth Week 2016, the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) held a series of events focused on nature and climate, two of our major themes for this year. On Monday, DOEE and National Geographic held a viewing of six nature-based film shorts in partnership followed by a conversation on wildlife conservation, habitat protection, pollinators, and access to nature with some of the filmmakers. On Tuesday, DOEE and the NoMa Business Improvement District also held a panel discussion on climate change and what the District should do to be prepared for more severe weather in our future.
The Sustainable DC 2015 Year Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC: Sustainable DC Progress Report April 2015.
The Detailed Second Year Progress Report provides detailed explanation of the progress on all 143 actions in Sustainable DC: DETAILED SDC Progress Report 2015.
The Second Year Progress Summary provides a high-level snapshot of progress and eight tips to be more sustainable: Sustainable DC Progress Report 2015 Summary & Tips.
On Earth Day 2015, 200 residents, advocates, and stakeholders met to discuss waste management in the District. Speakers from Seattle, WA and Edmonton, AB joined local experts to imagine what the path to zero waste in the District might look like.
The Sustainable DC First Year Progress Report highlights key projects and initiatives that demonstrate progress on Sustainable DC: Sustainable_DC_First_Year_Progress_Report.
The Detailed First Year Progress Report provides detailed explanation of the progress on all 143 actions in Sustainable DC: SDC All Actions 2014 Progress Detailed.
On Earth Day 2014, 130 community members met to learn about Sustainable DC Plan progress and engage in partnerships and opportunities to take action. Partners presented in a lightning round focused on ways to get involved.