Last week, the D.C. Council Chair, Phil Mendelson, took $7.5 million from the Renewable Energy Development Fund and re-programed it to the District’s general fund. This action would significantly slow further development of renewable energy in the District.
This backroom deal could specifically harm the District’s “Solar for All” Program. Solar for All, passed unanimously by the Council last summer, set an ambitious goal of using solar to offset energy costs for 100,000 low-income residents. This program would help families stay in their homes, create good local jobs, and make D.C. a national leader in solar.
Sign the letter below to urge Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and the D.C. Council to fix this terrible mistake.
Anita Bonds
Brandon Todd
Brianne Nadeau
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 102, NW
Washington, DC 20004