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Center for Community Change

Dorian Warren ,Vice President of the Center for Community Chang

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 28, 2017

WASHINGTON)—Here is a statement from Dorian Warren, Vice President of the Center for Community Change, on President Trump’s executive order to roll back President Obama’s climate change policies:

“President Trump’s decision today to get rid of President Obama’s rules to curb carbon emissions means the poorest of Americans will suffer the most. They will be the ones whose air and water will become more polluted since their neighborhoods are the ones populated by factories that can now spew out toxins without being regulated.”

“President Trump has made it no secret that his loyalty lies with rich corporations and not with the most vulnerable of Americans who live in neighborhoods adjacent to industrial areas.”

“Rather than investing in helping these communities by offering programs for clean energy jobs that would make sure the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink, the Trump administration has signaled they do not care about this segment of America. Instead, they have pledged allegiance to their rich cronies who run these corporations.”


The Center for Community Change builds the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to lead movements to improve the policies that affect their lives. For more information, go to www.communitychange.org and follow us on Twitter @communitychange.

Leading Investment Firm BlackRock Takes Stand on Climate Change

WASHINGTON)—The Center for Community Change applauds BlackRock Inc. for addressing the financial risks of climate change and for stating publicly that companies must be more aware of the risks that cause climate change such as greenhouse gases and rising water levels.

CCC and CCC Action have worked tirelessly, and will continue to do so, on issues that the majority of Americans have shown they support including immigration reform that keeps families together, said Deepak Bhargava, the executive director for both organizations.

CCC and Walden Asset Management, supported by the City of Seattle Employees’ Retirement System and First Affirmative Financial Network, filed a shareholder resolution asking for a review of BlackRock’s proxy voting process and its record on climate change, said CCC Executive Director Deepak Bhargava. The resolution was withdrawn following conversations with BlackRock and investors that led to the company’s decision to publicly address climate change.

“Climate change is an important environmental issue that affects everyone and we are pleased to see a major investment firm like BlackRock stand up publicly and say it would address risk that cause climate change with companies and boards this year and next,” Bhargava said. “We also hope that BlackRock’s engagement on climate risk will ultimately lead to support for shareholder resolutions on climate change issues. CCC also intends to continue to press BlackRock on other issues relevant to the public interest.”



Contact:Donna De La Cruz, (202) 339-9331