Author: Antoine Thompson Published: 9/30/2024 GWRCCC
Celebrate Excellence in Clean Transportation at the Awards Luncheon!
Join us for the Awards Luncheon at the 2024 GWRCCC Annual Conference to honor over 20 outstanding leaders in clean transportation! Honorees include Paul S. Andrade (VA Visionary Award), Prince George’s County MD – DPW&T Office of Transportation (MD Visionary Award), and SWMID (DC Visionary Award).
Other awardees include SESI (Partner of the Year), Alexandria Hyundai and Genesis of Alexandria (Automotive Dealership of the Year), DASH, City of Alexandria (Transit Fleet of the Year), The Washington Informer (Media Award), and many more.
Don’t miss this chance to acknowledge their achievements and network with industry leaders!
Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition | | 202-671-1580