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How our first solar co-ops got started

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG3OMfHNJf4 Solar United Neighbors started as a neighborhood project in Washington, D.C. Formed as the Mt. Pleasant Solar Co-op, …

D.C. is our hometown and where Solar United Neighbors got started. Since 2007, we have been fighting to ensure solar is accessible and affordable to all District residents.

Our vision

We envision a clean, equitable energy system that directs control and benefits back to local communities, with solar on every roof and money in every pocket.

Our mission

We’re a community of people building a new energy system and rooftop solar is the cornerstone. We help people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights.

Our partners

We work with amazing partners to spread the solar word. Our partner organizations range from nonprofits to municipal governments, universities to community organizations, and individual “super volunteers” to houses of worship.

Some of our awesome partners in D.C. over the last few years have included:

MONDAY JAN 21ST 2019 – 11:30AM


“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do… you have to keep moving forward.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We welcome all residents of the District of Columbia and surrounding areas to take part in the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Walk and Parade.

A.C. advisory board

Our D.C. advisory board provides strategic guidance to our work. Members do not have fiduciary oversight but provide strategic direction to the program. They are members of successful solar co-ops, solar champions, and leaders in the community.

Sherrill Berger Born in Uvalde, Texas, but raised in Washington, D.C., Sherrill studied classical ballet at the Jones-Haywood School and later danced as a principle soloist and taught with the well-acclaimed Capitol Ballet Company (CBC). Later she joined the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of American History, served as an educational tour guide with the Smithsonian Associate International Study Tours in Asia, and Europe, worked for the Carnegie Institution for Science as a prospect researcher, and was instrumental in establishing the Capital Science Lecture Series. She also directed several non-profit organizations, including Saving the DC Public Libraries Renaissance Project, the Mount Pleasant, Brookland, and Bloomingdale neighborhood Main Streets. As a community activist she was a member of Neighbors Inc., Development Corporation of Columbia Heights, founding member of Mount Pleasant Solar Coop, Solar United Neighbors of D.C., PowerDC, Grid 2.0, and co-founder of the re-established DC Consumer Utility Board.
Sylvester Bush Sylvester Bush is a resident of Ward 7 and help form a new solar co-op in Wards 7 and 8, the East Of The River (EOTR) solar co-op. He ensured that residents of ward 7 and 8 were educated and engaged around solar. Sylvester is the owner of a local business, the MGS Group, Inc.
Guy Durant As leader of the first Brookland Solar Co-op, Guy has been instrumental in bringing solar to his community. A technology professional with over 18 years of technology management and SE & IT leadership, Guy currently works at Waterman Engineering and Consulting, LLC. He has a strong background in health IT project management and clinical trials research. He is also an active member of the Plymouth Congregational Church.
Jared Lang Jared Lang, Sustainable Development Manager at National Housing Trust is responsible for integrating sustainability and renewable energy into affordable
housing projects. Jared manages the energy and water components of housing development projects, finances large-scale solar installations, and secures public and foundation incentives for energy projects. Prior to working with NHT, Jared was Program Manager for the National Association of Counties Sustainability Programs, consulting to local officials on strategies for integrating sustainability into their building portfolios. He was also a Sustainability Consultant with Davis
Joelle Novey Joelle Novey directs Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA), which supports hundreds of congregations in the DC area to respond to climate change. She’s grateful for years of partnership with Solar United Neighbors of D.C., helping faith communities to get their facilities’ energy “from heaven” and helping members of area congregations to connect with solar co-ops in their neighborhoods. IPL-DMV’s has put together solar resources for congregations.
Robert Robinson Robert Robinson came to D.C. after 18 months organizing elections in Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Ohio for the Jimmy Carter Presidential campaign. He hired onto the Marion Barry for Mayor campaign in 1977 and worked as an administrator for the Executive Office of the Mayor agencies. He managed successful Council campaigns and a councilmember’s staff. He and his wife Sherrill went solar with the Mt. Pleasant Solar Coop and were founding members of Solar United Neighbors of D.C.

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