Author: Sheryl E. Ponds BSME, MBA Published: 10/14/2020 Dia TechCorp
Cost Savings on EVCS Infrastructure
Now, while Dai Technologies Corporation understands the concern of the tenants in search of charging stations, we also understand that sometimes for large multi-family developments with public parking facilities or street parking, adding the infrastructure necessary to provide this amenity can be costly.
That is where the District’s Make Ready program comes in. This exclusive opportunity for those who own and/or operate street parking or public parking facilities will help to alleviate the financial burden of setting up the infrastructure required to accommodate electric vehicle charging stations.
Through applying to be a recipient of this unique utility sponsored program, you can save UP TO nearly 60% on the cost of installing electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS’s) for your residential communities. That equates to tens of thousands of dollars towards profitability, with the opportunity to retain and attract more tenants driving electric vehicles.
The Affect of COVID-19 on Renters
There is no question that COVID-19 has changed the landscape of businesses across the country. But one thing management sometimes forgets is how the changes can affect individuals, and how that change will in turn affect their business. Sound familiar? As a property manager or landlord, your tenants are your livelihood. They are who pays your bills and keeps your community thriving. You need to consider how the shift in work-life has impacted them and their satisfaction with your property!
For Raquel and Reggie, D.C. multifamily dwellers who live and work in the city, COVID-19 has made the once simple task of charging up their electric vehicles (EV) incredibly difficult. In the blink of an eye, charging became unimaginably inconvenient, having to travel farther from home to find an EVCS.
At Dai Technologies Corporation we’ve been talking to reliable tenants like Raquel and Reggie since the onset of COVID-19. What we’re finding is that apartment renters in the Washington D.C. area DO drive electric vehicles, and up until COVID-19, charging their cars wasn’t an issue regardless of where they lived. They drove to the office, energized their automobiles while they worked, shopped or visited a government building like the library, then they went home. These convenient charging options were part of their decision when they purchased their EV, a car that they’ve now fallen in love with and won’t get rid of.
The issue with this, Raquel and Reggie’s access to a charging station will begin to affect property managers and landlords. The majority of those working in the Washington area are working fully remote with no full-time return to the office in sight. Individuals like Raquel and Reggie with electric cars and no charging stations at home are beginning to re-evaluate their living situations. From their point of view, it is an extreme inconvenience to leave the comforts and safety of their home to charge their car. Their current, “non-chargeable” situation is enough to force them to start looking for other places to live.
As a property manager or landlord, if you were to install a few electric car charging stations throughout your public parking areas, don’t you think you’d reap the benefits? You would have happy tenants that would spread the word about your incredible amenities, capturing other tenants leaving their current living situations, to rent from a property with amenities like EVCSs on-site. Don’t let your NOI take a hit from this situation, it is time to be proactive! Learn more about saving on the costs of EV charging infrastructure and install your EV charging amenities through Make Ready.
Join Our Upcoming Webinar
Join the webinar to learn how Dai Technologies Corporation aka DaiTechCorp can help you with a site assessment consult and guide you through your Make Ready program approval. If you’re a District-based business with public parking facilities, we will help you navigate the application process, obtain your approval, and deal with the bureaucracy that is always entangled with regulated programs such as this.
DaiTechCorp is committed to helping tenants gain accessible facilities for electric vehicle charging at home, while also helping property managers grow their tenant satisfaction and fill more empty spaces. What more could you want?
Discover your EVCS options and learn more about the Make Ready program today.
Click HERE to register.
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