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Author:  Staff U.S. Department of Education      6/6/2021      White House Initiative on HBCUs

Upcoming Virtual Events

Energy Logo

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) will be hosting and featured in a number of events in the upcoming weeks.  We invite you to register for the following events:

BETO recently held an informational webinar on a Biomass Analysis Technologies (BAT) Direct Funding Opportunity (DFO). With funding from BETO, the BAT team is overseeing a DFO to collaborate with NREL on analytical methods for mixed carbohydrate, lignocellulosic, and organic waste streams. For more information, including how to apply, check out the BAT DFO website

June 17, 2021, 3 PM – 4 PM ET “Webinar: Waste-to-Energy Technical Assistance Program”  Join U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) Technology Manager Beau Hoffman to learn about opportunities for U.S. local governments to receive waste-to-energy (WTE) technical assistance. This BETO-funded technical assistance program, run by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, addresses knowledge gaps, specific challenges, decision-making considerations, planning, and project implementation strategies related to WTE. During this webinar, Mr. Hoffman will discuss what the program currently offers and where it is headed.

OPM Logo

Free Webinars Hosted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

If you or someone you know is interested in working for the federal government, then the following webinars will be of interest. All sessions are free. However, they are limited to 1,500 participants each. All times are Eastern. Thanks for sharing with your network.

Writing Your Federal Resume: Interested in a Federal Government job and learning from the experts? The staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach (RPO) division at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will present an in-depth webinar that provides attendees with the tips and tools needed to write a competitive Federal resume.

Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 p.m. –REGISTER

Navigating USAJOBS – Finding and Applying for Federal Jobs: Join the staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach (RPO) division of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), for an in-depth webinar that provides a step-by-step process for navigating USAJOBS. We cover job searching, creating your account/profile, reviewing Job Opportunity Announcements, applying, and application status.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 @ 11:00 a.m. –REGISTER

 Interviewing: Join the staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach (RPO) division of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), for an in-depth webinar on the Federal Government interview process. It explains the types of interviews, delivery methods, common questions, responding using the S.T.A.R. (Situation/Task, Action, Result) method and preparing for an interview.

Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m.- REGISTER

Thursday, June 17, 2021 @ 11:00 a.m. REGISTER

Student Opportunities

The Wilson Center

Esports & Education: How HBCUs are Leveling the Field

Friday, June 4, 2021 12:00 PM –  4:00 PM ET

Millions of people worldwide participate in the growing phenomenon of esports, the activity where video games played competitively, much like traditional sports. Thousands of students nationwide are participating in esports, both in K-12 and the collegiate scene. Yet how esports is fitted into educational environments varies. Esports in education can range from treating it as part of the athletics program, an extracurricular activity, a community-based effort, or aligning it to core curriculums.

What remains consistent is the lack of diversity for both those who play esports and the spaces in which esports occurs. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are trying to change this by supporting the growth of clubs and teams on their campuses; creating curriculums around esports and promoting academic success; and reaching beyond their campus to support young K-12 students.

This programming will focus on how HBCUs are engaging with esports: What does it mean to “do” esports today for HBCUs? What is informing the shape of esports programming on HBCU campuses, and what does the future hold for esports? How can we make esports more diverse? In doing so, we hope to highlight ways to build capacity by showing what is needed to launch an esports program.

The event will be livestreamed; follow for more information.

ihbcux logo

International HBCU Xchange

International HBCU Xchange Upcoming Events: June 2: Join iHBCUx for a virtual series to promote dynamic global exchange and travel just for HBCU students! Hear from HBCU alumni who have studied internationally; launched international careers; and get those coveted application tips for reputable international programs like Fulbright, Boren, Critical Language Scholarship and Gilman.

June 2 at 6PM Eastern/5PM Central

HBCU Panel: Careers Abroad

Learn about dynamic career opportunities abroad for students who participate in international exchange programs.


Employment Opportunities


Appalachian Regional Commission

RFP for Access in Appalachia Pilot Project – Deadline to submit proposals is June 15 ARC is seeking proposals from consultants to determine how accessibility metrics from our Access in Appalachia report can best be used for state-level decision making regarding transportation. Read the RFP and respond by Tuesday, June 15.

ARC is seeking candidates for the following positions:

Financial Analyst Program Manager [Broadband] Human Resources Coordinator Program Analyst [Economic Development] For more information, visit arc.gov/careers.


U.S. Department of Labor

NEW HIRING SURGE DOL Career Opportunities now open!

*Upcoming DOL Career Fair – June 16, 2021 – Check it out & feel free to forward/share!




Women’s Bureau

Justice Logo

U.S. Department of Justice

OJPs Funding News & Opportunities


See All Opportunities

National and Federal Opportunities


U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

24th Annual Examining Conflicts in Employment Laws Training Conference (EXCEL)

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) invites you to register for our 24th Annual Examining Conflicts in Employment Laws (EXCEL) Training Conference. EXCEL is being held virtually June 15-17, 2021.

EXCEL is the premier training conference for equal employment opportunity and human resource professionals, employment law attorneys, and alternative dispute resolution professionals in both the private and public sector (including federal, state, and local) communities.

This highly informative and interactive training conference, featuring EEOC senior leaders and some of the nation’s most sought-after experts in EEO, offers nearly 40 live, simulated live, and on-demand workshops. In addition to access to a robust agenda of workshops on popular and emerging topics in EEO, conference attendees will have the opportunity to network and participate in live forums.

Registration for this much-anticipated three-day virtual training conference is priced moderately at $900 per person.  Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), Federal EEO Investigator, and Federal EEO Counselor Refresher credits will be provided.  Additionally, application will be made with the Virginia State Bar for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit and support will be provided for conference attendees to apply for CLE credit in other states.  For a copy of the agenda and to register today, please visit the EXCEL registration page.

Health and Human Services Logo

Health and Human Services

Apply Now! Funding for Health Equity Researchers at Minority-Serving Institutions

Administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH), the Minority Research Grant Program (MRGP) is proud to release a notice of funding opportunity for researchers at minority-serving institutions (MSIs). The funding opportunity allows researchers at MSIs to build their portfolios while funding studies pertinent to the health care needs of racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, and rural populations. Two awards up to $250,000 will be made to one or more eligible institutions to further health equity research and help CMS better meet the needs of minority populations. Review the notice of funding opportunity CMS-1W1-21-002. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, June 11, 2021, at 3:00 pm ET. Eligible minority-serving institutions include:

  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
  • Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)
  • Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs)
  • Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) 

To learn more about CMS OMH and the MRGP, watch the MRGP overview video, or email HealthEquityTA@cms.hhs.gov

State Department

U.S. Department of State

Virtual Student Federal Service Info Sessions,SFS – Be a Virtual Visionary!

The Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) invites all U.S. government employees and contractors to participate in the 2021–2022 virtual internship cycle and to check out our new look!  This is an opportunity to have an intern work remotely an average of 10 hours per week on a project for your office.  The project proposal submission period opens May 1, 2021, on vsfs.state.gov, and projects must be submitted by June 18, 2021, using a .gov or .mil email.  U.S. citizens in college apply via USAJOBS.gov between July 1 and July 31, 2021.  August is a matching month; mentor interviews and selects from the students who applied to their projects.  Selected interns will start in September 2021 and complete the projects in May 2022.

All work must be unclassified because selected students will not have security clearances and will not have access to OpenNet.  Student application numbers have soared since the beginning of the pandemic; students need virtual opportunities #nowmorethanever.  In the directive, please review paragraph two for VSFS informational sessions schedules and paragraph nine for instructions on submitting project proposals.

Background and Selection Overview:  VSFS has become an invaluable resource for U.S. government agencies.  Since 2009, over 10,000 U.S. college students have worked on more than 4,000 projects during their academic year for more than 70 federal agencies.  Offices wanting to participate are encouraged to review the following information and submit project proposal requests at:  http://vsfs.state.gov for one or more VSFS interns between May 1 and June 18, 2021. Project Examples:  Descriptions of all 750 plus projects submitted last year are available at:  http://vsfs.state.gov/projects.  Current examples include:

  • Uncovering social media manipulation in the PRC Infosphere.
  • Analyzing and mapping environmental defense efforts.
  • Building out data analytics and visualizations capabilities.
  • Developing iOS/Android Apps.

Program Management:  The Bureau of Information Resource Management’s (IRM) Office of eDiplomacy is responsible for management and support of VSFS, and it has developed guidelines, best practices, testimonials, helpful tips, and FAQs for employees and teams participating in VSFS internships.  VSFS also offers information sessions about the program and how to write a project proposal that will appeal to students. Questions concerning this cable or the VSFS program should be directed to IRM’s Office of eDiplomacy VSFS team at: vsfs@state.gov. The deadline for your office to submit projects is June 18, 2021, and all projects must be unclassified.

SSA logo

Social Security Administration

SSA is Seeking Your Input to Guide Social Security’s Evidence-Building Activities & Research

We are seeking your input on potential research topics for our Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Learning Agenda, an evidence-building plan specified in the Foundations for Evidence-Based Act of 2018. The Learning Agenda will identify priority questions relevant to agency programs, policies, and regulations, and it will describe the data and methods that we will use to develop the priority questions.

Priority questions cover a variety of topics and could include specific questions related to: service delivery methods; the way the agency communicates with beneficiaries, stakeholders, and the public; the way we administer our programs; changes to regulations, policies, and procedures; program stewardship; or other areas that you believe we should explore.

We also seek priority questions regarding how Social Security can address the President’s priorities, especially on racial equity and inequities in the economy.

For more information, please review the request for information (RFI) notice published on April 20, 2021 and submit your suggestions using the submission instructions specified in the RFI. The RFI is open for comment until May 20, 2021; however, we encourage early submissions.

We value your input on potential topics for our Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Learning Agenda.  Our goal is to seek input from groups representing all demographics, so we encourage you to share this information with your members, colleagues, affiliates, and other interested parties.

Thank you for your interest in Social Security programs and your commitment to serving the American people.

U.S. Department of Energy logo

U.S. Department of Energy

Announces $61 Million for Biofuels Research to Reduce Transportation Emissions

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office  (BETO) just announced a $61 million funding opportunity, Bioenergy Technologies Office Scale-Up and Conversion Funding Opportunity, to research biofuels research to reduce transportation emissions.   The application process will include two phases: a concept paper and a full application. Concept papers are due on April 30, 2021, and full applications are due on June 21, 2021.  The announcement is below.

DOE’s BETO is focused on developing technologies that convert domestic biomass and other waste resources into low-carbon biofuels and bioproducts. This research has led to significant cost reduction of the process by approximately 45% to date. BETO is turning its attention to reducing risk of commercialization by partnering with industry to demonstrate technologies at large scale. Biofuels are produced by converting biomass—made up of recently-living organic materials like crop waste, food waste, and algae—and other waste resources into a liquid fuel, which can serve as a low-carbon equivalent to fossil-based fuels such as gasoline, jet, and diesel fuel. This is an opportunity for your stakeholders to explore opportunities to support clean energy technologies.

In addition, BETO will be hosting a webinar on Topic One of the funding opportunity announcement.  Go to Bioenergy Technologies Office Scale-Up and Conversion Topic Areas | Department of Energy to learn more about the other Topic areas.


National Institutes of Health

Notice of Intent to Publish a Research Opportunity Announcement for RADx-UP Return to School Diagnostic Testing Approaches (OT2 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Notice is to alert the community that NIH plans to publish a Research Opportunity (RO) as part of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) initiative to solicit research on COVID-19 diagnostic testing approaches to safely return children and staff to the in-person school setting in underserved and vulnerable communities. The RO will consist of two phases: 1) a targeted solicitation to rapidly accelerate ongoing research already in place in the school setting; 2) an open solicitation to start new cohorts or approaches to gain data related to safe return. The targeted solicitation will be by invitation only and will include programs currently in place in the school setting; applications will be accepted through early March 2021 for FY21 funding with the goal to make awards no later than April 2021. The open solicitation is expected to be published in mid-April and we will accept applications through early May 2021 for FY21 funding. The goal is to make awards by June 2021 for planned implementation in the 2021-2022 school year.

Awards under this funding opportunity will be issued as Other Transaction Agreements (OT2), which are not grants, contracts or cooperative agreements. Other Transactions awards will involve active NIH program management. Furthermore, the OT funding mechanism provides NIH with the flexibility to design unique collaborations with private sector entities that may not have experience with commonly used assistance mechanisms such as grants and cooperative agreements.

To read more on this notice, click here.