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Author: MCGB Staff      Published: 9/14/2022       MCGB

See below for more details on the upcoming
Board of Directors Meeting. 
 September 30, 2022 Board of Directors Meeting 

Date: September 30, 2022
Time: 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: Teleconference

The Montgomery County Green Bank will be holding a Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, September 30, 2022, at 9:00 AM via teleconference. The public may attend in person at 155 Gibbs Street, Rockville, MD; 4th Floor Conference Room. Please RSVP to info@mcgreenbank.org. View the meeting agenda.

RSVP for the Meeting
We’re expanding our business with partnerships, deals and programs. See below for updates. 
 New Affordable Multi-Family Housing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Program

Using a grant from General Motor’s Climate Equity Fund, the Green Bank is helping affordable multi-family rental property owners in Montgomery County install EV chargers and offer the flexibility for their residents to own electric vehicles. The Green Bank’s New Affordable Multi-Family Housing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Program (EV-CIP) provides funding with no out-of-pocket costs for affordable, multi-family housing properties to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Learn More About EV-CIP
The Green Bank is committed to working collaboratively with partner organizations. See below for more details on networking and outreach events.
 Green Bank Hosts Celebration Event Honoring Partnerships and Showcasing Our Collective Achievements  
The Green Bank hosted an evening celebration event on Thursday, September 8 at The Urban Winery, honoring partnerships and showcasing our collective achievements in making clean energy projects possible in Montgomery County. We were joined by nearly 100 attendees, including contractor, financial, end-user, and clean energy partner organizations, Montgomery County Councilmembers, and State Delegates. Thank you for your support, enthusiasm, and commitment to our work.
 Green Bank Sponsors Poolesville Day National Drive Electric Show  
Join the Green Bank on Saturday, September 17 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm for the National Drive Electric Week: Drive Electric Poolesville Day Event. As a participating sponsor, the Green Bank will have a booth available to provide more information about our new EV charging infrastructure program. Learn more about electric vehicles from EV owners, dealerships, and manufacturers. Sign up for EV test drives and enter free drawings for a chance to win prizes.
Register to Attend the Event
 Webinar: EV Charging for Condos, Coops and Townhomes
On September 6 and September 11, the Montgomery County Green Bank along with Montgomery County’s CCOC (Commission on Common Ownership Communities) and DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) hosted seminars on Electric Vehicle Charging stations so you can charge at home. Charging at home is one of the biggest benefits of driving electric, making it an important asset for condos, co-ops, and townhomes with shared parking.

Watch the seminar recording for more information.

View Event Recording
Online Resources and Events
Take advantage of these resources and webinars while staying-at-home:

Clean Energy Solutions Webinar Archive
View the library of Clean Energy Solutions webinars for topics ranging from home appliance efficiency and benchmarking to breakthrough information on achieving energy savings.

New Buildings Institute Webinar Archive
View NBI’s archive of on-demand webinar recordings on topics including codes and policies to advance net zero to zero net carbon schools.

ENERGY STAR Recorded Webinars 
Learn about the latest ENERGY STAR residential programs about advanced energy efficiency in homes, or revisit your contractor trainings for Home Performance with ENERGY STAR to refresh requirements, objectives, and strategies.

Home Energy Score Training Webinars
Brush up on your Home Energy Score understanding with these webinars from the U.S. DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge.

Contact us with any questions or project needs.
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