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Author: DOEE Staff        Published: 3/8/2021          DC People’s Counsel

Curious about going solar in the District of Columbia? Learn everything you need to know with our five part seminar series!

About this Event

How To Go Solar In DC is a community-based outreach initiative to bring solar power to District residents in their homes – regardless of their income – and businesses throughout the city.

Many residents and landlords are interested in solar but do not know are where to start. DOEE invites residents, landlords, and clean energy stakeholders to join the going solar seminar series to learn what steps they can take to go solar.

There are 5 events as part of this series, each focusing on a specific aspect of going solar. Explore below and register!

Organizer of How To Go Solar In DC: A Solar Seminar Series

The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) is the leading authority on energy and environmental issues affecting the District of Columbia. DOEE’s mission is to improve the quality of life for the residents and natural inhabitants of the nation’s capital by protecting and restoring the environment, conserving our natural resources, mitigating pollution, increasing access to clean and renewable energy, and educating the public on ways to secure a sustainable future. The agency’s core responsibilities include, but are not limited to, enforcing environmental regulations; monitoring and assessing environmental risks; developing energy and environmental policies; issuing permits; and providing residents and local businesses with funding, technical assistance, and information on initiatives designed to ensure a more resilient and sustainable city. We perform all agency mission activities with the highest integrity to uphold the public trust.