MEDSIS Initiative

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia issued Order No. 17912 which opened Formal Case No. 1130, Investigation into Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability (MEDSIS).  The Commission established MEDSIS to identify technologies and policies that can be implemented to modernize the distribution energy delivery system in the District of Columbia.  The goal of MEDSIS is to increase sustainability for District consumers, and in the near-term, make the distribution energy delivery system more reliable, efficient, cost effective, and interactive. The Commission is dedicated to achieving the goals of MEDSIS and to working with all interested persons and stakeholders in a collaborative manner.

In our efforts to manage this initiative in a transparent manner, the Commission created this MEDSIS webpage to keep the public informed and engaged. Check here regularly for updates or subscribe to the MEDSIS e-Docket to receive email updates.

           DCPSC MEDSIS Staff Report

MEDSIS Town Hall MeetingMary

MEDSIS invites you to a MEDSIS Town Hall