Meet Endea Thibodeaux
Serving DC, MD, PA 202-573-9033 |
Licensed Real Estate/ Solar Energy ProfessionalWith over 21 years of experience in the real estate business Endea Thibodeaux has focused her business on helping people achieve their buying, selling and investing goals. In 2005 she received the Certified Luxury Home Marking Specialist designation (CLHMS) and has sold luxury homes for her affluent clientele. In 2008 Endea received the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation in order to help her clients who were losing their homes to short sales and foreclosure. In 2014 she was introduced to solar energy with Solarcity/Tesla. She recognized the value of clean energy and the savings her clients would receive would add value to her services. Currently she has a partnership with SunRun and is able to build a solar consultant team. Throughout the years even though the housing market has changed her focus has been on excellent client service, marketing management and continuous knowledge of the market.