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Author: SETO Staff      Published: 12/14/21          SETO

Energy dot gov Office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy

Solar Energy Technologies Office



On December 13, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released new funding for the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Phase I program for Fiscal Year 2022. Through SBIR/STTR, U.S. small businesses are encouraged to engage in high-risk, innovative research and technology development (R&D) with the potential for commercialization.

Small businesses play a major role in spurring innovation and creating jobs in the U.S. economy. SBIR/STTR enables DOE to achieve its research and development goals through funding to small businesses. SBIR/STTR provides funding in two phases: Small businesses can receive up to $200,000 in Phase I to prove the feasibility of an idea; successful awardees can then receive up to $1.1 million in Phase II for prototype development.

Letters of intent for this funding opportunity are due January 3, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. ET. Along with your business information, the letter of intent must contain a 500-word technical abstract of your innovation. Please review the FOA for more information.

Topics 15 and 16 contain the solar subtopics for the funding opportunity, which are:

  • Multiuse Integrated Photovoltaic (PV) Systems (15a)
  • PV Recycling (15b)
  • Next-Generation Power Electronics Based on Silicon Carbide and/or Planar Magnetics (15c)
  • Technologies to Integrate Solar Generation with Energy Storage Systems and/or Electric Vehicle Charging (15d)
  • Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power System Construction, Manufacturing, and Reliability (15e)
  • Solar Hardware and Software Technologies: Affordability, Reliability, Performance, and Manufacturing (15f)
  • Transferring Novel Solar Technologies from Research Laboratories to the Market (16a, STTR only)
  • Concentrating Solar Power Technologies for Industrial Decarbonization (16b, STTR only)
  • Next-Generation Solar Forecasting (16c, STTR only)

Two additional technology transfer opportunities are available, which are designed to transfer a patented technology from a National Lab to a small business for commercialization:

  • Hierarchical Distributed Voltage Regulation in Networked Autonomous Grids (15g)
  • Novel Solar Collector Tracking Error Direction (15h)

Visit the SBIR/STTR webpage to learn more. We look forward to seeing your applications!