Author: US DOE SETO Staff Published: 10/13/2022 SETO
What’s Inside: Solar Snapshot, the newsletter of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), shares recent announcements; upcoming events; products and publications; and more.
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Estimated read time: 4 minutes, 51 seconds
What’s New?
New Federal Solar Tax Credit Resource for Businesses
Businesses can learn about the investment and production tax credits on SETO’s new resource webpage, which deciphers bonus credits and labor requirements in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), includes information on project eligibility, and more. Additionally, the public is encouraged to respond to the U.S. Department of the Treasury‘s public requests for comment on the implementation of the IRA‘s clean energy tax incentives.
New Report Outlines Cybersecurity Recommendations
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response have teamed up to outline considerations and recommendations for the electric sector and policy makers as we work to transform our grid in a new report called Cybersecurity Considerations for Distributed Energy Resources on the U.S. Electric Grid.
The Future of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)
DOE has released a summary report on its BIPV request for information, which covers key insights and next steps for the current state of the industry, product requirements, key barriers, research, development, demonstration, and commercialization needs and opportunities, and interest-group engagement.
Solar District Cup Announces the Class of 2022-2023
57 student-led teams from 52 collegiate institutions have been selected to spend a full academic year developing design solutions to meet the renewable energy needs of campuses or other districts. Now in its fourth year, the Solar District Cup is expanding to give more students the opportunity to compete! Teams have the chance to define their own district or compete in a single-semester version of the program that starts in January 2023. View the full list of participating schools.
Upcoming Deadlines
Don’t forget to participate in these solar funding opportunities, prizes, and solicitations!
- Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC) Prize Round 2 – Energy innovators, startups, and entrepreneurs must apply by October 25.
- Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Accelerator Request for Proposals – Researchers and businesses must submit proposals by October 28.
- American-Made Perovskite Startup Prize – Applications for the current cycle of the Countdown Contest due November 3.
- Durable Module Materials (DuraMAT) Consortium Open Call Request for Proposals – Private solar companies and academic universities must submit proposals by November 3.
- American-Made SolarAPP+ Prize – U.S. counties, cities, and incorporated towns and villages must sign up to compete by November 4 and adopt SolarAPP+ by April 27, 2023.
- Defense Production Act Request for Information – The public must submit responses by November 30.
Some Light ? Reading
Industry Input Requested on Domestic Solar Panel Production
Manufacturers, purchasers and installers, and renewable energy providers can submit comments to the U.S. General Services Administration on the availability of domestically manufactured solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and components. This will help the U.S. government better understand how it can encourage domestic manufacturing of PV panels. Responses are due by November 18.
No Smoke, All Mirrors: Developing Next-Generation Heliostats
Concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants are remote, expansive, and sometimes mysterious to onlookers. Get an up-close look at current CSP technologies and hear where DOE is looking to go in the future with the help of its Heliostat Consortium.
Moment In the Sun: Climate Access Fund
Maryland’s Climate Access Fund, a green bank helping to ensure that community solar developers service low- and moderate-income households, helped make the most of its community-owned solar project and can serve as a model for others around the country.
¡Aprenda Cómo Ahorrar con la Energía Solar! Learn How to Save With Solar!
¡Consulte la Guía para propietarios de viviendas sobre el crédito fiscal federal para aprender cómo puede ahorrar en energía solar! Check out SETO’s Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Solar Tax Credit to learn how you can save on solar!
Upcoming Events
Perovskite PV in the U.S. Solar Future: A Perspective from the Solar Energy Technologies Office
October 20 | 11 a.m. ET
SETO’s Dr. Tim Siegler will speak about the state of perovskite PV research, development, deployment, and innovation, and discuss strategic next steps for the technology at this National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) webinar.
Clean Energy on Mine Land Virtual Workshop
October 25-26 | 11 a.m. ET
Register for this webinar by October 23 to learn about the clean energy demonstration program on current and former mine land, which seeks to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of carrying out clean energy projects on these lands.
EnergyTech University Prize (EnergyTech UP) Informational Webinar
October 26 | 3 p.m. ET
Register for an informational webinar about the Office of Technology Transitions’, a collegiate competition in which SETO will award a $25,000 bonus prize to teams with the most innovative plan focused on the performance, affordability, reliability, and value of solar technologies.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Workshop: Beyond the Shingle
November 1 | San Francisco, CA | 12 p.m. ET
SETO’s Dr. Jennifer DiStefano and Dr. George Stefopoulos will host a workshop at the 2022 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo to discuss the current challenges and opportunities of BIPV.
2022 CyberForce Competition
November 4-5 | St. Charles, IL & Virtual
DOE’s 2022 CyberForce Competition seeks to increase 1) hands-on cyber education to college students and professionals, 2) awareness of the critical infrastructure and cyber security nexus, and 3) basic understanding of cyber security within a real-world scenario. Learn more and join in-person or virtually!
Products and Publications
- U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System and Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks, With Minimum Sustainable Price Analysis: Q1 2022 – NREL
- Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Operating and Proposed Plants, 2022 Edition – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
- Generator Interconnection Cost Analysis in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) territory – LBNL
- Final Technical Report: Improving Solar and Solar+Storage Screening Techniques to Reduce Utility Interconnection Time and Costs – NREL
In Case You Missed It
- Podcast with Dr. Becca Jones-Albertus: National Public Radio. The problem with solar energy isn’t investment. It’s location.
- Podcast with Garrett Nilsen: KABC-790. A Climate Change with Matt Matern
- Webinar with Nicole Steele: Advancing Energy Equity through Community Solar
- The Washington Post. Throwing Shade Is Solar Energy’s New Superpower
- Canary Media. Community solar can help revitalize communities. Here’s how.
Learn more about SETO or DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.