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US DOE Staff       Published: 4/29/2022          US DOE

Energy dot gov Office of Energy Efficiency and renewable energy

Solar Energy Technologies Office


SolarPACES Conference September 26-30 in Albuquerque

SolarPACES Conference Abstract Deadline

Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES) is the premier international conference for concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) research and development. In 2022 it will be hosted by the United States, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Researchers who wish to present at the conference must submit an extended abstract by May 6. Industry, research, political and financing stakeholders, and experts around the world will gather in person to share insights into recent research activities and new developments in CSP technology.

CSP Projects Selected for Science and Technology Research Partnership

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in collaboration with the Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) STEM Research and Development Consortium, awarded $3.2 million to seven MSIs for research in solar energy technology. Three of the eight funded projects will advance CSP technologies.

  • University of New Mexico received $400,000 for a project that will demonstrate the potential of a cheaper, more reliable heat exchanger to generate electricity and decarbonize industrial processes in CSP plants.
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas received $400,000 to build an innovative small-scale CSP system prototype that could reduce costs and improve efficiency to enable widespread deployment of small, distributed CSP systems for clean energy generation.
  • Florida A&M University received $400,000 to develop models to optimize operating strategies for solar thermal energy storage technologies, maximizing their value and enabling them to integrate with multiple renewable energy sources.

SETO Research Spotlight: Reducing Risk in Solar Receivers

Check out a special issue of the scientific journal, Energies, which features an article by Matt Bauer, a technology manager in the DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). He used findings from the DOE SunShot Initiative and SETO’s Generation 3 Concentrating Solar Power Systems program to review technical requirements for solar receivers in CSP systems and demonstrate risk reduction.

Keep up with the SolarPACES conference happening Sept. 26-30 in Albuquerque and learn more about CSP research at SETO.