12pm ET
Opening Keynote with Natalie Evans Harris
Natalie Evans Harris, Executive Director, Black Wealth Data Center
12:30pm ET
Student Takeover: University Team Product Demos & Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) Spotlight
Join us as all things students take the stage! This jam-packed super session will feature chats with students who participated in 2022 TOP sprints, and highlights how cross-sector partners co-created a Minority-Serving Institution Engagement to help MSO students thrive in their sprints.
1:50pm ET
Launch of the TOPx Toolkit
Join us for a live demo of the game-changing new TOPx Toolkit for federal agencies, which opens the TOP playbook to innovators government-wide. We’ll also announce the themes for TOP this year and how to get involved.
2:20pm ET
Interactive Session: Live Q&A on the TOPx Toolkit and Introducing the TOP Collective (RSVP required)
Get a first-ever look at the game-changing new TOPx Toolkit. Learn how to use it and how to join a new community of practice – The TOP Collective – to run a sprint in 2023.
3:45pm ET
Masterclass: Unlocking the Power of Data for Storytelling (RSVP Required)
Learn from the leading experts in journalism, grant writing, and more. Learn how they create compelling stories with data. Leave with critical skills to apply in your own work.