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Author: US DOL Staff     Published: 1/13/2023     US Department of Labor

United States Department of Labor

News Release

WASHINGTON – In communities around the country that have historically experienced disinvestment, leading to high rates of poverty and violent crime, young people with arrest or conviction records face difficulties in finding and keeping a good job. To help these youth and young adults, from ages 15 to 24, to succeed in the workforce and in their communities, the U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of $33 million in Growth Opportunities grants to programs in 11 states.

Administered by the department’s Employment and Training Administration, the second round of grants will enable 13 organizations to help justice-involved young people develop leadership skills, offer mentorship and provide education, training and paid work experiences. The grants align with the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to advance public safety by preventing and reducing gun crime and other violent crime and smoothing the path to successful reentry to ensure underserved communities have the resources they need to provide the foundation and opportunities young people need to succeed.

The grants benefit programs in Arizona, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New York North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas with approximately half of the funding benefiting first-time recipients of Reentry Employment Opportunities grants.

The Growth Opportunities grant program focuses on young people living amid poverty and violence in their communities, and supports programs that improve participants’ conflict resolution skills and self-perception, while investing in the education, employment and other stabilizing services needed to achieve long-term goals.

The latest round of funding follows a March 2022 announcement of $85 million in available funds. The department initially awarded $43.3 million in June 2022.

For the second round of funding, ETA is interested in receiving additional applications from Intermediary Organizations as detailed in the Funding Opportunity Announcement to use approximately $12 million of remaining available funding. The FOA open period for receipt of applications from Intermediary Organizations is extended to March 10, 2023. Learn more about applying or complete an application.

A list of the grant recipients in the second round of Growth Opportunities grants follows this news release.

Recipient City State Amount
Epidaurus Tucson AZ $4,000,000
Our Piece of the Pie Hartford CT $2,000,000
Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana New Orleans LA $2,000,000
Goodwill Industries International Rockville MD $4,000,000
Southwest Counseling Solutions Detroit MI $1,312,500
Peckham Vocational Industries Lansing MI $1,999,999
Missouri Goodwill Industries Saint Louis MO $2,000,000
National Urban League New York NY $4,000,000
PathStone Corp. Rochester NY $2,000,000
Land of Sky Regional Council Asheville NC $3,999,459
Towards Employment Inc. Cleveland OH $1,999,751
Knoxville Leadership Foundation Knoxville TN $2,000,000
Ambassadors for Christ Youth Ministries Houston TX $1,999,530
Total $33,311,239


Employment and Training Administration


January 10, 2023

Release Number  22-2362-NAT

Media Contact: Monica Vereen

Phone Number:  202-693-4686

Email:  Vereen.Monica.C@dol.gov

Media Contact: Arjun Singh

Phone Number  202-693-0214

Email: singh.arjun.p@dol.gov