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Author: DOEE Staff            Published: 6/11/2021   Department of Energy & Environment

Utility Affordability Programs

ALERT: With Mayor Bowser adjusting the District’s operating status in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), all non-essential agency events, gatherings and meetings are postponed until further notice. DOEE remains open. All staff will work remotely, except in limited cases. All DOEE operations and services remain unchanged unless otherwise stated. For operating status of DC Government and more information on response, please visit coronavirus.dc.gov.

ALERT: DOEE is not accepting appointments for utility assistance applications at this time. Please visit the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program page for more informationupdates.

DOEE has financial assistance, discounts, and energy efficiency programs to help District residents with their utility bills. Please see below for services available to District residents.

Services for Income Eligible Residents

Customers who receive assistance with their energy bills through LIHEAP are automatically eligible to receive a free Home Energy Kit from the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU). Home Energy Kits include six energy-efficient LED light bulbs, a smart power strip, and a bathroom faucet aerator, and will help you reduce your energy use and your carbon footprint. Request a Home Energy Kit.

Additional Resources for Residents

Additional Resources for Businesses:

series of photos of DC families
Request for Policy Advisory Council members:

Are you interested in energy efficiency and helping families stay safe in their homes? Consider joining the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Branch (EECB) Policy Advisory Council (PAC) to advise the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) on issues related to the administration of EECB programs.

PAC obligations:

  • Attend quarterly conference calls
  • Meet in-person twice a year
  • Serve a two-year term
  • Review and provide feedback on program manuals, standard operating procedures (SOPs), the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Plan, department web page, and other materials used for program administration.

If you are interested in participating, please contact to Lawanda Jones at lawanda.jones@dc.gov.

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