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51st State Solar Co-op Round 3LaToya Smith, a Solar for All recipient in Ward 7, stands in front of her new solar system during the installation.

LaToya Smith, a Solar for All recipient in Ward 7, stands in front of her new solar system during the installation. The 51st State Solar Co-op is open to all District residents.


We bring homeowners together into a group, or co-op. We provide unbiased, installer-neutral support through each stage of the process of going solar. Our experienced team ensures you understand how solar works, how it can be financed, and how it can be installed on your home.

Co-ops take advantage of the group’s bulk-purchasing power to get discounted pricing and a quality installation. Co-op volunteers choose an installer on behalf of the entire group through an open and competitive bidding process. The selected installer provides everyone in the group with a personalized proposal for their consideration.

Our Solar for All program is no longer accepting applicants. If you are interested in participating in a Solar for All program please visit the District’s Department of Energy and Environment’s Solar for All website to learn about the programs that are still open to new applicants.

Watch the video below to learn more about our solar co-op process and its benefits, or view our FAQs.

Consulta nuestro FAQ para más información sobre la tecnología solar y el proceso de comprar e instalar su sistema solar.


Solar For All
Solar for All aims to bring the benefits of solar energy to 100,000 low to moderateincome families in the District of Columbia. The DC Department of Energy andEnvironment is partnering with organizations across the District to install solar on singlefamily homes and develop community solar projects to benefit renters and residents inmulti-family buildings. All Solar for All participants should expect to see a 50% savings ontheir electricity bill over 15 years and can be proud to have gone solar!  In order to beeligible, residents must meet the income guidelines below.

Options for Single Family Homeowners

Grid Alternatives Mid-Atlantic provides solarinstallations to income-qualified single-familyhomeowners through Solar Works DC, the District’s solarinstallation and job training program. In addition to preparing residents to enter careers insolar and related industries, Solar Works DC reduces energy costs for low- and moderate-income homeowners by installing solar systems on their homes. Homeowners will leasetheir solar systems at no cost to them and will receive 100% of the energy the systemproduces. You will also receive no-cost solar system maintenance, repairs, performanceguarantee, and an insurance policy covering the system.

How to apply: Contact Jacqueline Treiger, Senior Outreach Coordinator by phone at (202) 517-8858 or by email at[email protected].


Washington DC residents can participate in Solar for All single family solar or community solar options if the householdincome is below 80% of the area median income (AMI) threshold, as listed below

Persons in household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Income threshold $67,950 $77,650 $87,350 $97,050 $104,850 $112,600 $120,350 $128,150

Household income amounts listed in the eligibility table are effective as of 10/1/18, but may change.
Please visit the US Dept of Housing and Urban Development website for the most up-to-date numbers.

Community Solar

Community solar provides the benefits of solar to residents who can’tinstall systems on their home, including renters and homeownerswhose rooftops are shaded or need repairs. A community solar projectis not located on the home, but offsite, and the benefiting householdreceives a credit on their Pepco electricity bill each month.
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How can I participate in Solar for All’s community solarprojects?

Several organizations are a part of the DOEE Solar for All community solar initiative. Two programs currently have openapplications. District residents interested in participating should reach out to those organizations directly using thecontact information provided below.

Additionally, in late 2019, DOEE plans to open enrollment for select income-eligible District residents to benefit from newcommunity solar projects, including a proposed project under development at Oxon Run.

Solar for All Community Solar projects currently open for general enrollment

Groundswell is installing solar on houses of worship including at the DuPont Park SeventhDay Adventist Church in Ward 7. Up to 47 income eligible households will receive energy creditsubscriptions at no cost. ContactLenwood Coleman [email protected] or 240-303-2944 formore information.

Neighborhood Solar Equity is installing solar on a local university and plans to providebenefits to income-eligible households in the District. For more information, contact[email protected] or 202-930-1904.

In addition, several other organizations are pursuing Solar for All community solar projects. Those solar projects are eitherfully subscribed, or not yet open for enrollment. See logos of all authorized Solar for All vendors below.

Authorized Solar For All Vendors

Enflection transparent logo 1200x420.png

To verify whether a solar developer / contractor is operating a DOEE Solar for All program, please email [email protected] orcall 311.

Additional Information

DOEE is working with the DC Sustainable Energy Utility Solar for All in 2019-2020. This program has the potential to savecustomers up to $500 per year on their electricity bills. Local solar contractors are working to install solar at no cost toincome-qualified District residents. Read More>>