Author: California Pubic Utilies Commission Staff 11/29/2022 CPUC
Consumer Choices
The CPUC’s Electric Rate Comparison website allows consumers to view the residential electric rates for any geographic area in a side-by-side energy provider comparison chart. For certain areas of California, electric energy is provided by either an Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) or a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) service provider and consumers have a choice between energy providers.
Phase 1 residential rate comparison webpage will be an interim step prior to launching the website in early 2023.
All current rates including California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) for geographical areas may not be available on this site. Please contact your energy provider for current rates if rates are not available.
Find your residential Rate
Select Community Choice Aggregator and Utility you’d like to compare from the search menu below:
Disclaimer: Information displayed is current as of 07/08/2022, please contact your Investor-Owned Utility or Community Choice Aggregator program if available rate information is not current or found on this page.
This Electric Rate Website allows California electricity customers to search for and view joint comparison rates, certain electrical generation disclosures, and other program information for each of the Investor-Owned Utilities and Community Choice Aggregators (CCA). This information is intended to help customers make informed choices regarding their retail electric provider.
To obtain additional information concerning a specific Utility/CCA, please refer to the information provided on the Joint Mailer.
- Rates for municipal utilities, such as Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), are not available on this webpage.
- Rate information for unincorporated areas are not available on this site.
- Rates are provided by utilities and Community Choice Aggregators.
This website was created in 2022 for energy customers in California.