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Author: US Congressman Donald McEachin Staff    Published: 11/29/2022     US Congress

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The Environmental Justice For All Act:

The Environmental Justice For All Act is historic legislation crafted after years of
meaningful consultation with environmental justice communities, stakeholders, and
community leaders. The legislation is the result of an inclusive process that solicited
public input and feedback to develop a tailored, comprehensive policy proposal.
Since the bill’s inception, Congressman McEachin and House Natural Resource Chair
Raúl Grijalva have continued working with environmental justice groups, the Biden
administration, and other important stakeholders to ensure that the Environmental
Justice For All Act keeps affected communities and their needs at its core.

A Timeline of the EJ For All Act:

2019    At the start of the 116th Congress, Rep. McEachin and ChairGrijalva began crafting this legislation by holding a seriesof roundtable discussions in communities across the
country, including New Mexico and Puerto Rico, and
hosting a Democratic forum during Black History Month.
Their nationwide roundtable discussions were rounded
out with a historic Environmental Justice Summit at the
U.S. Capitol. The first summit of its kind, the day-long event
convened environmental justice leaders, advocates, and
practitioners to connect with and educate policymakers
on the environmental justice movement, its current
challenges, and policy priorities

2020        In February of 2020, after a year-long effort to incorporate
public feedback into a draft bill, Rep. McEachin and Chair
Grijalva introduced the Environmental Justice For All Act.
The bill had 18 original cosponsors and was met with
enthusiastic support from environmental justice groups
across the country. You can watch the official press
conference here.
After another series of

2021  After another series of listening sessions
across the country, the Environmental
Justice For All Act was reintroduced in
the 117th Congress.  


2022  In February, the House Natural Resource
Committee held a legislative hearing on the
Environmental Justice For All Act. It was
then passed out of committee in July

Full bill text of the Environmental Justice For All Act, click here.
The Environmental Justice For All fact sheet, click here.

The Environmental Justice For All Act is historic legislation crafted after years of
meaningful consultation with environmental justice communities, stakeholders, and
community leaders. The legislation is the result of an inclusive process that solicited
public input and feedback to develop a tailored, comprehensive policy proposal.
Since the bill’s inception, Congressman McEachin and House Natural Resource Chair
Raúl Grijalva have continued working with environmental justice groups, the Biden
administration, and other important stakeholders to ensure that the Environmental
Justice For All Act keeps affected communities and their needs at its core.
A Timeline of the EJ For All Act:
The Environmental Justice For All Act:
Call your legislator and using our script below, tell them to pass H.R. 2021 –
the Environmental Justice For All Act
Find your representative here.

Hello, My name is [name], and I live in [city name]. I am calling today to express my
support for H.R.2021, the Environmental Justice For All Act.
Vulnerable communities are disproportionately harmed by environmental injustice,
which can manifest in a variety of ways, including increased exposure to air pollution,
lack of access to potable drinking water, proximity to hazardous waste sites, and more.
The Environmental Justice for All Act is landmark legislation that was built on
feedback from residents, community leaders, and other stakeholders who have
firsthand experience living in communities impacted by environmental injustices.
Passing this bill would ensure every American can breathe clean air, drink clean water,
and live in an environment conducive to a healthy, successful life. I urge
[Representative] to support this important legislation.